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F. Becker, Lenzen, F., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences, in 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011, pp. 1692 – 1699.
W. Mischler, Rocholz, R., and Weissbach, T., Vereinfachung der Massenbilanz im Blasentank für luftseitige Messung, Institut für Umweltphysik, 2011.
B. Antic and Ommer, B., Video Parsing for Abnormality Detection, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011, p. 2415--2422.PDF icon Technical Report (990.21 KB)
J. Kunz, Visualisierung der wasserseitigen Massengrenzschicht beim konvektionsgetriebenen Gasaustausch mithilfe einer Lumineszenzmethode und Thermografie, Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg, 2011.
M. Pfannmöller, Flügge, H., Benner, G., Wacker, I., Sommer, C., Hanselmann, M., Schmale, S., Schmidt, H., Hamprecht, F. A., Rabe, T., Kowalsky, W., and Schröder, R., Visualizing a homogeneous blend in bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells by analytical electron microscopy, Nano Letters, vol. 11, pp. 3099-3107, 2011.
J. Schaper, Wave Height Estimation with Stereo Images of the Reflective Stereo Slope Gauge (RSSG), Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg, 2011.
T. Platt, Weiterentwicklung einer hochauflösenden LIF-Methode zur Messung von Sauerstoffkonzentrationsprofilen in der wasserseitigen Grenzschicht, Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg, 2011.
B. Andres, Köthe, U., Kröger, T., Helmstaedter, M., Briggmann, K. L., Denk, W., and Hamprecht, F. A., 3D Segmentation of SBFSEM Images of Neuropil by a Graphical Model over Supervoxel Boundaries, Medical Image Analysis, vol. 16 (2012), pp. 796-805, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (20.85 MB)
B. Jähne, 50. Heidelberger Bildverarbeitungsforum --- Jubiläumsinterview mit Prof. Dr. Bernd Jähne. 2012.
M. Hanselmann, Röder, J., Köthe, U., Renard, B. Y., Heeren, R. M. A., and Hamprecht, F. A., Active Learning for Convenient Annotation and Classification of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Images, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 85 (1), pp. 147-155, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (2.58 MB)
J. Röder, Kunzmann, K., Nadler, B., and Hamprecht, F. A., Active Learning with Distributional Estimates, UAI 2012. Proceedings, pp. 715-725, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (267.67 KB)
L. Nagel, Richter, K. E., and Jähne, B., Active Thermography as a Link between Laboratory and Field Studies, in SOLAS Open Science Conference, Washington State, USA, 2012.
B. Jähne, Atmosphere-water exchange, Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment --- selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, vol. 1. Springer, p. 175--193, 2012.
B. Jähne, Atmosphere-water exchange, Encyclopedia of Sustainable Science and Technology, vol. 1. Springer, p. 594--606, 2012.
A. Kreshuk, Automated Analysis of Biomedical Data from Low to High Resolution. University of Heidelberg, 2012.
C. M. Zechmann, Menze, B. H., Kelm, B. Michael, Zamecnik, P., Ikinger, U., Waldherr, R., Delorme, S., Hamprecht, F. A., and Bachert, P., Automated vs. manual pattern recognition of 3D 1H MRSI data of patients with prostate cancer, Academic Radiology, vol. 19, 6, pp. 675-684, 2012.
A. Monroy and Ommer, B., Beyond Bounding-Boxes: Learning Object Shape by Model-driven Grouping, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 7574. Springer, p. 582--595, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (1.58 MB)
B. Voss, Stapf, J., Berthe, A., and Garbe, C. S., Bichromatic Particle Streak Velocimetry bPSV -- Interfacial, v3C3D velocimetry using a single camera, Exp. Fluids, 2012.
J. Fehr and Jähne, B., Bilder berechnen - nicht nur aufnehmen, Optik & Photonik, vol. 7, pp. 50-53, 2012.
J. Fehr and Jähne, B., Bilder berechnen --- nicht nur aufnehmen : ``Computational Photography'' wird zunehmend interessant für die industrielle Bildverarbeitung, Optik & Photonik, vol. 7, p. 50--53, 2012.
V. Lempitsky, Blake, A., and Rother, C., Branch-and-mincut: Global optimization for image segmentation with high-level priors, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 44, pp. 315–329, 2012.
J. H. Kappes, Savchynskyy, B., and Schnörr, C., A Bundle Approach To Efficient MAP-Inference by Lagrangian Relaxation, in CVPR, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (430.63 KB)
J. H. Kappes, Savchynskyy, B., and Schnörr, C., A Bundle Approach To Efficient MAP-Inference by Lagrangian Relaxation, in CVPR. Proceedings, 2012, pp. 1688-1695.
M. Geese, Jähne, B., and Ruhnau, P., CNN Based Dark Signal Non-Uniformity Estimation, CNNA, pp. 1-6, 2012.
M. Geese, Ruhnau, P., and Jähne, B., CNN based dark signal non-uniformity estimation, in Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Their Applications (CNNA), 2012 13th International Workshop on, 2012, p. 1--6.
S. Petra, Schnörr, C., and Schröder, A., Critical Parameter Values and Reconstruction Properties of Discrete Tomography: Application to Experimental Fluid Dynamics. 2012.
A. Shekhovtsov, Kohli, P., and Rother, C., Curvature prior for MRF-based segmentation and shape inpainting, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2012, vol. 7476 LNCS, pp. 41–51.
A. Shekhovtsov, Kohli, P., and Rother, C., Curvature prior for MRF-based segmentation and shape inpainting, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2012, vol. 7476 LNCS, pp. 41–51.
A. Shekhovtsov, Kohli, P., and Rother, C., Curvature prior for MRF-based segmentation and shape inpainting, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2012, vol. 7476 LNCS, pp. 41–51.
B. Jähne, Digitale Bildverarbeitung und Bildgewinnung. Springer Vieweg, 2012.
B. X. Kausler, Schiegg, M., Andres, B., Lindner, M., Köthe, U., Leitte, H., Wittbrodt, J., Hufnagel, L., and Hamprecht, F. A., A Discrete Chain Graph Model for 3d+t Cell Tracking with High Misdetection Robustness, in ECCV 2012. Proceedings, 2012, vol. 7574, pp. 144-157.PDF icon Technical Report (809.07 KB)
H. Schäfer, Lenzen, F., Meister, S., and Garbe, C. S., Edge Detection in Time-of-Flight Images, in submitted to ECCV, 2nd Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision, 2012.
J. Funke, Andres, B., Hamprecht, F. A., Cardona, A., and Cook, M., Efficient Automatic 3D-Reconstruction of Branching Neurons from EM Data, CVPR 2012. Proceedings, pp. 1004-1011, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (1.64 MB)
B. Savchynskyy, Schmidt, S., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Efficient MRF Energy Minimization via Adaptive Diminishing Smoothing, UAI. Proceedings, pp. 746-755, 2012.
B. Savchynskyy, Schmidt, S., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Efficient MRF Energy Minimization via Adaptive Diminishing Smoothing, in UAI 2012, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (529 KB)
