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L. Görlitz, Menze, B. H., Kelm, B. Michael, and Hamprecht, F. A.,
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Technical Report (4.17 MB) B. Andres, Köthe, U., Bonea, A., Nadler, B., and Hamprecht, F. A.,
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Technical Report (3.08 MB) C. S. Garbe, Kondermann, D., Jehle, M., and Jähne, B.,
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F. Lauer and Schnörr, C.,
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M. Bleyer, Gelautz, M., Rother, C., and Rhemann, C.,
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M. Frank, Plaue, M., Rapp, H., Köthe, U., Jähne, B., and Hamprecht, F. A.,
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Technical Report (2.03 MB) M. Frank, Plaue, M., Rapp, H., Köthe, U., Jähne, B., and Hamprecht, F. A.,
“Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-wave time-of-flight range cameras”,
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C. S. Garbe, Nagel, L., Hung, L. - P., and Tsai, W. - T.,
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Poster abstracts SOLAS Open Science Conference, Barcelona, 16--19 Sep. 2009, 2009.
S. Petra and Schnörr, C.,
“TomoPIV meets Compressed Sensing”,
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N. Gianniotis, Tiño, P., Spreckley, S., and Raychaudhury, S.,
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J. Yuan, Schnörr, C., and Steidl, G.,
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Technical Report (478.04 KB) J. Yuan, Schnörr, C., and Steidl, G.,
“Total-Variation Based Piecewise Affine Regularization”, in
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P. Yarlagadda, Monroy, A., Carque, B., and Ommer, B.,
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M. Hanselmann, Köthe, U., Kirchner, M., Renard, B. Y., Amstalden, E. R., Glunde, K., Heeren, R. M. A., and Hamprecht, F. A.,
“Towards Digital Staining using Imaging Mass Spectrometry and Random Forests”,
Journal of Proteome Research, vol. 8, pp. 3558-3567, 2009.
Technical Report (1.47 MB) C. S. Garbe, Flatow, F., Klinger, M., Schepanski, K., Tegen, I., and Rannacher, R.,
“Transport of dust across the Sahara from satellite image sequence analysis”, in
Eos Transactions, 2009, vol. 90, no. 52, p. EP21A-0565.
C. S. Garbe, Flatow, F., Klinger, M., Schepanski, K., Tegen, I., and Rannacher, R.,
“Transport of Sahara dust into the Atlantic Ocean from satellite image sequence analysis”, in
SOLAS Open Science Conference, 2009, p. 27.
A. Vlasenko and Schnörr, C.,
“Variational Approaches for Model-Based PIV and Visual Fluid Analysis”,
Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis, vol. 106. Springer, pp. 247-256, 2009.